Oh, hey! Hi.
Welcome to another Intel Report! This month we’re bringing you previews for upcoming release V1034 and beyond, as well as other development news. But first, the usual disclaimer:
⚠️ This report is not an exhaustive list of V1034 features! For the most up-to-date list of expected V1034 and later features, see our roadmap. You may also want to check out our Intel Reports for June (#015), July (#016), August (#017) and September (#018).
Due to personal lives clashing with work (such as 3 members of the team being in the process of moving places) this report might be a little thinner than previous months in the eye candy department, but we’ll try to make up for it with previews for things that won’t be in the game until V1035 and later.
Alright, let’s get going.
New voices on the way
With female characters being included in V1034, we needed at least one female voice recorded and processed for the “commo rose”-style pre-recorded messages (accessible with the G
key). But because writing and recording lines is all one big intertwined process (and because we want new voices sooner rather than later) we decided to go the full length.
Hence our announcement, a couple months ago, that we were looking for talented voice actors.
And thanks to our followers and the awesome voice actor community who helped spread the word, we were able to find and cast a roster of 18 (!) voice actors, male and female, in four different languages: most of them English (US), but also Russian, Spanish (Mexican) and Arabic. In case that isn’t obvious, we’ll not only be replacing the current enemy voice lines; we’ll be replacing them with native language voice lines for 3–4 different OPFOR factions, each with 2–3 different actors.
Here are some samples:
Lines for the player and the team will consist of 3 different voices for male operators, another 3 voices for female operators, and one for the team handler — a CIA lady back at the TOC (tactical operations center) keeping tabs on the mission and communicating with the ground unit in real time.
💡 Should we expect new voices in V1034? The main goal for V1034 — as far as voice lines go — is implementing the female counterpart for the existing pre-recorded voice messages. As a stretch goal, Zack will process one of the new male voices to replace the existing ones.
As of this writing, about a third of the actors have been recorded. It’s a lot of work ahead, but we’re super excited about the results so far! We look forward to hearing them in-game and sharing the footage with you as soon as we have it.
What Chris-with-a-C has been up to
Due to other tasks that required his attention, programmer Chris (not to be confused with Kris) has been bashing a variety of things into shape this month, but has still found time to keep working on the AI. He’s back on that full-time this week.
Over the last few weeks, Chris has implemented what he’s calling world events: stuff that is happening in the game world that should arouse the AI’s suspicion and trigger certain reactions. For now, he has created two event types: one is dead bodies, which the AI should eventually check on and take appropriate measures, such as alerting other AI actors; the other is power switches being shut off, which will eventually trigger enemies to go check the relevant switches and turn them back on if uninterrupted.
Though these world events only add the underlying logic and basic behavior so far (as in, bots will simply move to the appropriate actors), they represent the foundation for the fleshed-out behavior, which will of course be accompanied by appropriate animations and voice lines.
💡 Among the other things Chris has been busy with are: compiling a list of build steps for mod kit distribution alongside Callum, keeping the development builds up and running as John moves the server around Ohio, tackling some graphic setting requirements from Nvidia, and adding motion vectors to various UI elements. Don't worry: most of us don't know what any of that means either. But the point stands — man's been busy.
More info on modding!
Section by Matt “Fatmarrow” Farrow
So far we haven’t said much about the new modding features coming in v1034, but this month we’ll take a deepish dive into the new modding system helmed by programmer Callum.
Up to now, modding in GROUND BRANCH has been a rather unofficial affair, requiring players to manually place (and in some cases replace) files inside the game directory. Some kinds of mods, like missions and game modes, are essentially server-side only, but other kinds of mods like patches and asset replacements have required manual installation of the mod in both the server and clients. This has been quite a hassle. But soon, all this will change!
In V1034, we will start using the Steam Workshop as a repository and delivery system for mods. This is a tried and tested system, popular with modders, and the automatic background updating of mods is a key feature that should greatly enhance user experience. Getting content set up in GROUND BRANCH is rather complicated — not least because we are still developing some core systems — so we are going to introduce different kinds of modded content in subsequent updates. That way, we can hopefully get everything right before unleashing a modding free-for-all.
We’ll be kicking it off with one or two weapon mods to show you how it’s done. In the first example, behold! The VSS Vintorez.
What you see in the following screenshot from the Customize Operator screen is the modded VSS appearing seamlessly in the list of rifles, janky icon and all. To get this rifle in-game, you go to the Workshop, find the mod, and click the Subscribe button. And that’s it. The mod will be downloaded in the background, and the next time you run the game, the gun will be there.
So how will you make weapon mods? The answer is the GROUND BRANCH SDK (Software Development Kit), which is effectively a customized version of the Unreal Editor including some basic GROUND BRANCH bits and pieces.
We will in due course be providing tutorials and so on to explain the process in detail, but essentially you import your gun model into the editor, create a weapon blueprint, set it up with various properties (such as magazine type, display name, and so on), and then use the in-editor modding tools to create a mod and upload it to your personal Workshop account.
🔫 Since handguns are setup fairly differently from long guns, we'll also include a mystery pistol as a mod example.
Prone and animation
Kris and Mike continue to implement the new prone stance, which we have started previewing in the last couple months.
Since then, they have added item switching and reloading while prone, transitions between prone and other stances, as well as a proper rotating-in-place motion (instead of characters spinning on their pelvises). There’s still plenty of jank to clean up, but it’s almost fully functional from a gameplay perspective.
Here’s how the more presentable actions are looking at the moment:
In the video, you may notice how aiming from side-to-side while in the prone position has a limited angle. Once the threshold is reached on either side, moving the mouse will free-look a little further to the sides until that limit is also reached.
If you need to aim or look beyond those thresholds, you must reposition your character by holding one of the movement keys. In a previous iteration, the rotation would kick in automatically once the threshold was reached, which we realized felt dodgy as you were never sure at what point you would stop aiming/looking and get locked into the repositioning motion.
The amount of rotation applied to each repositioning is currently only about 30 degrees, which is likely to be increased to a wider angle somewhere in the 45- to 90-degree range — or whatever testing determines to be best.
💡 Animations and control schemes are all subject to change, so let us know how you feel about all of the above. You'll get to try it out yourself soon enough.
Animation optimization
Section by Kris
As of V1033, animation updates are performed on multiple threads, but much of the logic relating to animations was still on the game thread. This is being addressed in V1034, with as much logic as possible being moved to a custom animation proxy, allowing it to be run outside of the game thread.
At the same time, we’re ensuring that the animation graph conforms to what the engine calls the Animation Fast Path. (For those of you familiar with UE4 — or just morbidly curious — you can read more here.)
Both of these changes should lead to improved performance, especially for offline play and listen servers (the ones hosted locally via the Host Game option).
More quality-of-life updates for servers
Section by Matt “Fatmarrow” Farrow
Servers will get another boost in V1034, with a few more options added to the Admin Panel to make things easier for admins and players alike:
- A server setting has been added for the default ready countdown time, which is used unless overridden by the MapList.ini parameters. Up to V1033, if you wanted to vary the default countdown time, you had to add a parameter to every entry in the map list. We know you have better things to do with your time.
- If a dedicated server is started up without a defined MapList.ini file, a basic one is generated and the server continues from there. Previously, dedicated servers would hang on startup until a MapList.ini was manually added to the ServerConfig folder.
- There’s been a big pass on server restart options: you can now set a dedicated server to restart at (or at least near) a particular time of day, and it is now possible to configure the shutdown configuration via the Server Preferences menu.
- We have added a big red button and a console command to allow admins to reboot server from within the game. Sorry that took so long, admin folks.
- The majority of voting settings, previously editable only via the Vote.ini configuration file, have now been added to the server settings admin menu.
- There is a new AllowVotesWhenAdminPresent voting setting; if it is “false” then no votes can be started (except by admins) when an admin is online on the server.
- There is a new DelayVoteFromRoundStart voting setting; if “true”, then the server will not allow votes to be called during the round until this many minutes have elapsed.

We may be able to squeeze a few more server quality of life features into V1034 (we are looking to improve the kick/ban process, for example), but we hope that whatever features do make it into the update will help to bring calm and relaxation to overworked server admins. Namaste.
Bug fix corner
Press F to pay respects to these V1033 bugs (which will be gone in V1034):
- The debug camera (ToggleDebugCamera in console) will no longer spawn a mysterious stranger in the player list, also preventing new rounds from launching properly afterwards.
- Eyewear will apply the appropriate skin that has been selected inside the character customization. In V1033, eyewear defaults to black once you leave the customization screen.
- This isn’t a bug as such, but we have changed the mid-round spawning process to spawn you in without any freeze, and with your weapon already positioned at the Ready position (pointed forward). Hopefully this will reduce the number of “bullshit spawns” in Deathmatch and other respawn modes, where you get insta-killed before you can shoot back. OK, that will still happen, but it’s going to be more your fault now.
- In fact, we’re removing the janky, synchronized weapon drawing from round/mission starts altogether.
Post-V1034 cosmetics
Regular contractor Pau Peñalver has been working on a lot of small tweaks and upgrades to assets.
Although the new items won’t be available until after V1034 due to time constraints, we thought it would be cool to give you a little preview of some of them:
💡 Friendly reminder: these are special artist renders; they do not represent how assets will look in-game with dynamic lighting and other real-time restrictions.
As you can see, we’ll be expanding the face-wear selection with a neck gaiter/face scarf, 3 variants of the single-hole balaclava, and a three-hole balaclava.
Female operators will also be able to wear a traditional head cover, which can be had either with or without the pattern seen above.
This has been Intel Report #019!
We hope you’ve enjoyed these previews — we’ll probably have another batch for you next month — and as always, thank you for keeping up with the development of GROUND BRANCH! Your support, feedback and patience are greatly appreciated.
Take it easy, everyone!
6 thoughts on “<b>Intel Report #019:</b> Dev News for October 2023”
Honestly, it’s excellent work out of 10! The new animations are exquisite! It will raise the level of play without precedent 🤷🏻♂️ Bravo, also for the mods!! and be able to add new weapons made by the mods💥🔥🤷🏻♂️ A Tactical shield is missing!!!! 💥💥 Overall congratulations!! Pau, ETS a crack tiu!!! 💥🔥💯
Gotta make that keffiyeh / shemegh available for the male operators too! Looks sick
Great work keep it up!
This one’s for Chris, about the world events stuff, there should be a penalty for the player going all guns blazing. Like enemy AI would respond to gunshot’s within let’s say a 300m radius and move to appropriate cover with there alert level raised and also time to engage the player would be less within this period, this could also vary with difficulty level. Also the AI response to sound should be top notch, like the would respond to death scream of another AI and so on. Also for silenced weapons like if there alert level is raised the could also here the sound at very close range etc.
I genuinely love the prone mechanics. How would the Q/E lean work in that stance?
I think that it would have been awesome if Q/E was used to roll in the left/right direction… also, is there a way of rolling to your back and shooting with your belly up/back on the ground, like aiming down your torso/legs while in prone/on your back? If not, it’s absolutely fine, just thinking out loud here…
All the new features are quite inspiring, I really hope you bring back the blood splatter as soon as possible, because I don’t think I’m alone in that because it’s quite realistic! I hope as soon as possible this great effect will be back. thanks in advance.
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