BUILD UPDATE #018: v1028 Hotfix 2

The second and final hotfix update for GROUND BRANCH Alpha v1028 is now available with general fixes, some cleanup and a little dash of content update. But before we go over this Build Update, gather around the bonfire and allow us to do a little recap. Not in the mood? Skip to Build Highlights ↓

Recap: 1st Early Access Anniversary

August marked the first anniversary of our Steam® Early Access (EA) launch. It was far from a smooth launch, with many players feeling the game wasn’t EA-worthy, turned off by the lack of polish and limited content. Others immediately became active members of the community—some even forming units for regular sessions—but, overall, not many stuck around. Regardless of player adherence, however, one word was common throughout the vast majority of reviews: potential. Whether or not players “got it” and kept playing, GROUND BRANCH’s potential was clear to most fans of the tactical shooter genre that tried the game.

The decision to release GB to the general public at the time was a very risky one, but the fact that so many players shared our vision and saw the same potential we did was enough encouragement to keep working on it as hard as we could. It goes without saying that the financial support brought on by sales (even if very modest in comparison to immensely more popular games) has greatly helped us along the way, allowing us to purchase development assets, hire contractors and get a little compensation for all the effort we’ve been putting in. So if on the one hand we might have come out in the open too soon, Early Access has also exposed GROUND BRANCH to a much larger audience and feedback pool, forcing us forward—right out of the “closed doors” development comfort zone—and providing essential funding.

At the time of Early Access launch, we were 5 team members. A.I. programmer Phil Carlisle (aka zoombapup) has since departed the team, with A.I. work since circa October 2018 having been done by Kris. But Early Access has also brought us sound man Mikson straight from the community, and we’ve just recently secured the long-coveted animator: she goes by toadie2k, is based in Australia, and you might know her from the prolific Arma 3 modding scene. All in all, we feel like we’ve made steady progress since launch, but things should hopefully pick up pace a lot more from here on out.

In conclusion, we’d like to thank everyone who ever gave GROUND BRANCH a try—but especially everyone who stuck with it and have kept our community alive over the last 12+ months. We truly appreciate your support.

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How do you feel GROUND BRANCH has progressed over the last year? Let us know in the comments! Also…

Please consider updating your Steam® review! (Or leaving one)

For many players, the decision to buy or pass on GROUND BRANCH lies heavily on customer reviews. The game has changed considerably since EA launch, so make sure you customer review reflects the most recent feature set, stability and content. And, most importantly, your most recent opinion.

We currently hold a “Mostly Positive” rating for All Reviews (recommended by 78% of them), and a “Very Positive” rating for Most Recent (92% approval over the last 30 days). Your review update might make a difference!

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Are you interested in following development a little closer or interacting with us?

You can do that via our Discord, Steam, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook presences.

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› Coming from a previous version of the game? Issues with controls, loadouts, assets or settings?
We strongly recommend players coming from an older version of the game to delete all files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\GroundBranch\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor (copy and paste the underlined path onto your File Explorer address bar and hit Enter to go to folder). For those who can afford it, a full reinstall isn't a bad idea either: it may fix broken/missing features introduced in this version, as well as issues with controls, loadouts, assets and settings.
› Update your server!
All dedicated servers must be updated to work with the current version. Make sure yours is updated so players can enjoy the latest version of GROUND BRANCH.

Build highlights

Content updates

UPDATED: MP5 family
The MP5A4: fixed stock, 3-round burst option
  • MP5 models and textures have been updated to be consistent across all variants.
  • Added MP5A4: fixed-stock variant with 3-round burst capability.
  • MP5A5 (sliding stock, 3-round burst) has replaced the MP5N.
UPDATED: AN/PVS-22 UNS textures

The AN/PVS-22 UNS night vision optic has received new textures that include markings and improved materials.

Worn out, but it works
UPDATED: G33 Magnifier model and textures

A new model and textures for the G33 Magnifier have been added. It now features the EOTECH® logo and markings.

Might as well make use of the licensing, right?

KNOWN ISSUE: The front lens has a texturing error, but remember it’s rude to stare.

Optic placement

The placement of optics has been further adjusted to reduce instances of clipping.

Keep in mind that weapon builds created before this version will not be affected.

Ultra-widescreen support for NVG/Binoculars overlays

The screen overlays for the AN/PVS-15 and Binoculars should now display correctly on ultra-widescreen monitors.

General cleanup and bug fixes

Fixes and cleanup form the bulk of this update. You can read the full list in the raw change log, but here are some of the main ones:

  • The sound bug where a full auto loop goes off forever should hopefully be gone. Again.
  • The grenade throw arc should no longer be affected while holding Use/Interact (default F) + Mouse Wheel for incremental door opening.
  • Aim / Use Off Hand (default Right Mouse Button) should now consistently close the top Inventory bar.
  • Magazines will no longer take their skin from the pouch/vest color and should now match the weapon’s skin selection—when applicable, of course.
  • Fixed Shooting Range targets not dropping consistently. (Told you this f***er keeps creeping back in!)
  • Power Station has two less exploits: being able to jump over fence out of bounds and being able to look through ceiling inside A tunnel.
  • You will no longer go through the wall when jumping off the ladder in City. Thanks for the reports!
  • City has also received a little optimization pass for textures.
  • Window panes on 747‘s namesake aircraft no longer appear through other elements in map (e.g. the aircraft’s wings).
  • Hints should now always display at the top layer on the screen.
  • Added hints for the Binoculars usage (zooming in/out and NVG incompatibility).
  • After Grenade Throw option should again correctly follow player settings under Gameplay › Firearm; in particular, “Switch to Previous Item” should now do as it says.
  • Improved foregrip hand pose and location for the MP7A1.
  • Various crash fixes.
  • A bunch of code and under-the-hood stuff only Kris really understands.

What’s next?

Version 1029 will be a big gear-oriented content update. Expect a lot of new and updated attachments, a remade Depot map and maybe a taste of the new character assets.

The groundwork for the new character skeleton—which will allow for new, clean animations—continues to be implemented in a separate development branch and is still set to have its first working iteration ready for the big v1030 update.

Stay tuned!

Change log

Build version: 1028.2


Steam Build ID:
Size: — GB

Dedicated server

Steam Build ID: —
Size: — MB


* FIXED spawn protection actor not removing its "ignore use input" entry
* FIXED GBPlayerController not resetting the ignore use input array when reset on map change
* FIXED ZooKeeper server settings not updating without restarting server when changed at runtime by admin
* FIXED Shooting Range targets not falling consistently
* FIXED Power Station – view through the ceiling when on top of the box in the A tunnel nears the stairs to A hallway
* FIXED Power Station – being able to jump over the fences into the areas considered outside of the map
* FIXED 747 – invisible obstruction in front of car that blocks way forward
* FIXED little crack on the wall on Power Station stairs (east side)
* FIXED distorted texture on Power Station wall near stairs
* FIXED binocular overlay ultra-widescreen support
* FIXED night vision overlay ultra-widescreen support
* FIXED calling switch items on an item you're already switching to
* FIXED grenade switching to primary firearm instead of last used item
* FIXED binoculars not scaling sensitivity
* FIXED hints being displayed behind other widgets
* FIXED being unable to holster sidearm
* FIXED UseOffHand not hiding inventory bar
* FIXED log spam about invalid player states in WBP_GameInfo
* FIXED order in which night vision post process is enabled and overlay is faded in/out.
* FIXED incorrect target hands for dropped firearm and magazine
* FIXED PrevEquipped[X] being cleared incorrectly as item was put away
* FIXED AGBCharacter::PlayNextSwitchItemStage() called equip montage if item still in target hand.
* FIXED AGBCharacter::PickupItem() not clearing equip hand targets
* FIXED possible usage of nullptr in UGBItemDragDropOperation::CreateTargetProxyFromItem()
* FIXED crash in lambda used by AGBPlayerState::OnRep_InReadyRoom() to delay event call
* FIXED crash in IUWorks::StartupModule() due to SteamGameServerUtils() returning nullptr
* FIXED bad logic in AGBGameMode::HasReachedTimeLimit()
* FIXED looping full auto sound when firearm is destroyed while full auto sound is playing
    * changed PostEvent calls to set stopWhenAttachedToDestroyed to 'true'
    * added C++ code to call UAkGameplayStatics::StopActor() when firearm is destroyed
* FIXED AlaskaCedar_Desktop_Branch_Mat blocking bullets
* FIXED Next/Prev Position input working on door even if Use/Interact isn't held down due to overlap not resetting last Use/Interact time
* FIXED grenade showing arc on Next/Prev Position input even if door was being interacted with
* FIXED placement of flashlight handguard on MP5A4 and A5
* FIXED incorrect icon for MP7A1
* FIXED clipping through wall when jumping off ladder in City map
* FIXED 747 windows and doors rendering through wings and other geometry in map
* FIXED gap in City map pub area wall
* FIXED grass showing through City map street
* FIXED MP7A1 grip pose and location
* FIXED magazines taking skin from pouch/platform instead of related firearm (at least with modular pouches)
* FIXED BP_MP5SD5_SuppressorRail bottom rail acting as top rail
* FIXED UGBSightComponent::GetMatchingFrontSightPost() finding the lowest front sight post instead of the front sight post with the closest matching height to the rear sight post
* FIXED grenade arc being adjusted while Use/Interact key is held down
    * stops arc changing while opening door incrementally 


* exposed shootable target's take hits variable so can be set per placed target in maps by level designers
* finished off AN/PVS-22 textures
* City map
    * texture usage optimizations 
    * downsized a lot of 4k textures that were being used
* reworked flashing light setup on SWAT truck to look a lot better… and actually flash 
* adjusted blocking socket on ACOG 6x and M233 scopes to stop clipping
* adjusted AK-74 sight rails to be a bit more forward
* removed development version of User Arena map
* adjusted placement of various optics
* updated MP5 models to be consistent in design, scale and material usage
    * no longer have the MP5_Navy
    * added MP5A4 and MP5A5 versions
* updated G33 Magnifier mesh and materials 


* updated handling of switch items, pickup item and drop items
    * more unified approach that is more brute force in its handling
* added hints for binocular usage – zoom and not working when night vision goggles are down
* updated GBGameMode to make it wait until round stage is WaitingForReady before ending game based on time limit
* added TimeLimit > 0 check to AGBGameMode::HasReachedTimeLimit() to stop it thinking we've hit a time limit when none was ever set (oops)
* changed usage of DetachFromComponent() to ensure UActorComponent::Modify() is NOT called
* removed erroneous usage of TWeakObjectPtr in various classes
    * replaced them with UPROPERTY() versions
    * added additional checks when required
    * should fix crash related to TWeakObjectPtr - can't crash if it doesn't exist
* ensured UniqueId.ToString() uses same logic
    * created UGBGameplayStatics::GetUniqueIdAsString() for those that use PlayerState
 for all others, made sure they followed the same logic
    * should fix crash related to IsValid() error in UniqueId somewhere…
* updated BP_ANPVS_15
    * rearranged logic to fix bug introduced by animation change
    * cleaned up turn on/off play raise/lower animation events
* updated GenerateBuildNumber.bat to use P4_Tickets as password if defined for both login check and change list info
* updated C++ & Blueprints to change references to RoundLength and RoundDuration to RoundTime
* changed "roundlength" entry in DefaultGame.ini to RoundTime
* updated DefaultZooKeeper to add "roundtime" as a valid command
* updated BP_TacLight_MP5 to look for socket on potential parent rather than at the class of the potential parent
* updated GBRailComponent to use different colors to show rail face
    Blue = top
    Orange = bottom
    Green = side
    Cyan = angled
* created AGBGameState::CanChangeLightingScenario() event to allow/disallow lighting change mid-round
* removed unused WBP_StunOverlay
* updated BP_StunAffect to disable itself when destroyed
* changed CanChangeLightingScenario() from BlueprintImplementableEvent to a BlueprintNativeEvent and created native implementation in GBGameState C++
* removed ExampleDeviceProfileSelector from EnabledPlugins array in DefaultGame.ini
* removed additional Tilde (~) key from ConsoleKeys array in DefaultInput.ini
* removed support for MouseSensitivityMagnified2-8 – no longer needed
* added bDisableInputScaling setting to GBPlayerSettings
    * allows you to disable the 2.5 scaling that is done to all input by default
      NOTE: may simply scale mouse/controller sensitivity to compensate later
* added ControllerSensitivityScale variable to GBPlayerController
* scales controller input based on the sensitivity change caused by aiming/using magnified optics
* removed hint time limit constraint
    * hint manager now supports multiple hints and removes any hint of a similar class if another one is added
* moved grenade hints to same location as all other hints
* updated all hints to flow same format
    * heading, then description with button usage, if any
* added support for TeamKillWarning 
    * uses hint system to warn the player when they have teamkilled
      NOTE: means it only comes up 3 times before not showing up anymore

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2 thoughts on “BUILD UPDATE #018: v1028 Hotfix 2”

  1. Thanks for the detailed updates. I feel Ground Branch has massively improved since the beginning of EA. It has gone from a game I would just occasionally start up to mess around with in the shooting range for 5 min, to jumping in for a few minutes after each update to see what had changed, to a game I look forward to playing each weekend. I played for 3 straight hours last weekend on a server that started with 2 other people in it and by the end we had a 10 man squad going out on terrorist hunts. I had a blast. We’ve had a bunch of awesome maps added. The animation issues are gradually going away and the game is looking less and less janky and feeling more polished. The AI has gone from being deadly turret aimbots to being fairly decent with taking cover and suppressing. There is a long way to go, but we’ve come a long way in a year.

    Just wanted to take a moment to add my thoughts about the future of Ground Branch as well. As a player that is more interested in immersion and story (there are those of us who love tactical shooters), I’m looking most forward to seeing more and more story and context elements come into play. Not that story has to be explicit, but it is told in little ways, like how the maps in Insurgency Sandstorm feel lived in and that there is context around what you are doing as either a security team member or an insurgent, you feel like you are there when you are playing, like you are someone else. Right now, my only complaint is that a lot of Ground Branch feels sterile and fake, like playing paintball or rehearsing war games, rather than feeling like you are a SAD operator. I don’t really know who I am, I don’t really know who I’m fighting and why, I don’t know anything about the maps and the real world locations they represent and why I’m there and I can’t really infer anything right now. My imagination takes me a little bit of the way there, but I’m hoping in the time the game will answer these questions in subtle or overt ways such as a mission briefing, etc. Again, it isn’t really a complaint because I know that you guys are hard at work perfecting the mechanics of the game, building a good foundation before developing the other elements of the game. Just wanted to throw my two cents in of what I’m looking forward to as Ground Branch develops. Keep up the great work with adding guns and gear, but don’t forget about us players who just want to be immersed in the game and aren’t as concerned about a massive gear selection as long as the essentials are there. Again, not a criticism, just a nudge.

    You guys are awesome, keep going, we the community appreciate your creation and are behind you 100%, thank you for working to make the dream a reality!

    1. Great comment and feedback, Stu! We’re glad you’re enjoying the game that much. Rest assured that immersion will get its turn; in time, we’ll have proper missions with purpose and context. Thanks a lot for the kind words, and especially for taking the time!

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