Friends of BlackFoot Studios

We are proud of the community that we have built here at BlackFoot Studios. We have people from all over the world contributing and being active on a regular basis. Many types of personalities and backgrounds come together and are generally pretty civilized. 🙂

I have had the pleasure of personally meeting some of these people over the years and have become good friends outside of just BFS and game development. One of those is our very own MONOLITH and his family….. Tom Reinhart is an exceptionally talented individual who, much like myself, has decided to follow a dream. His dream is writing and as it turns out he is damn good at it. Not only is he good at it, but he is a true creative. By that I mean that he doesn’t write just to write, but he writes and develops stories and characters from the heart. Every word he puts on paper has meaning. They just are not stories, but honest feelings.


I’ll admit, I am not a big reader. But Tom’s stories are engaging and keep me going until the end. They are easy reads but full of depth and complexity. Take a minute and check out what my friend Tom has been up to…. you won’t be disappointed. I sure haven’t been!

– John