Extended video footage

Some may be aware that the Rain/Effects video from last week was actually cut short by about 5 minutes due to some audio synch issues. I had to cut out a section that demonstrated a few more effects:

  • Flashbang
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Secondary Sights

After many painstaking steepness nights (not really 🙂 ), I have since been able to compile that cut footage into a new video for your enjoyment!

Please be aware(I mention it a lot) that everything you see is in progress stuff and really just first iterations of things that will get a lot of attention as time goes on.

There are 2 things of particular note with this video though…… 1) There is no weapon recoil as it was disabled while fixing up some shooting mechanics. So don’t panic! 2) The flashbang emits a high pitched ringing when it goes off. So please adjust your volume accordingly when watching (there is an on screen message in the video about it).
