New Ground Branch build available – version 1013 build 110810

Well what can we say… its been way to long since the last public build and we apologize. There have been numerous private testing builds with the Operator Edition owners and they have provided tons of information on fixing bugs and provided suggestions on improving the game. It also made us realize that the internals of the game have reached a point where we need to refine our process a bit to better accommodate faster/cleaner iteration that allows us to get public builds out faster and with much less work on our end. We have taken care of that, but in the mean time WE HAVE A NEW BUILD!!!!!


Build Version 1013

Build 110810


Approximate Update size: 1.9GB

Steam build Id: 1275090

Known Issues

We are still not even to official Early Access yet so lots of things are half broken and not working. The biggest ones:

  • MP connectivity is spotty (may not connect or disconnect for no reason)
  • MP games have issues with correct loadout and kit items sometimes (May not get in game what you equiped in Ready Room)
  • We are in the process of rewriting how our gamemodes work and how our loadouts are replicated
  • Texture streaming issues in Operator Menu (very low resolution textures sometimes)

We made the decision to do this release knowing MP was half broken because there was so much other stuff in there. Hopefully we will have all that fixed up in a new build soon.


Terrorist Hunt

We plan to come up with a new name for this mode but for now its the easiest way to label it. Lots of work has been done and there are some new parameters available to mess with to fine tune some of the A.I. values if you like:


  • Terrorist Count – Hopefully explains itself
  • Terrorist Perception Delay – How much “alertness” the AI must feel before they consider something fully perceived
  • AI.FootstepWalkLoudness – How much of the “alertness” value is emitted with a walking footstep (attenuated by distance)
  • AI.FootstepRunLoudness – How much of the “alertness” value is emitted with a running footstep (attenuated by distance)
  • AI.FootstepNoiseRange – The maximum range allowed for any of the alertness values above
  • AI.WeaponFireVolume – How much of the “alertness” value is emitted with a single shot (attenuated by distance)
  • AI.WeaponFireNoiseRange – The maximum range allowed for any of the alertness values for shot value above
  • AI.IncomingFireActivation – How much “alertness” is perceived for an incoming fire (from the whizz/crack system)

So think of the Perception Delay as the bucket size and the other alertness values as filling the bucket up.

This game mode is also now available on the Depot map! This is a first pass at getting it working on a larger map so as with everything at this point, it is very rough. But it is a lot of fun!


TH does work in coop mode for some, though please see known issues above. If you want to try it there are some discussions in the forum about it.

Some new UI Items

In the Aircraft Takedown training map you can now reset your targets by walking up to the device next to the entry door and hitting the J key.


The RadialMenu has been updated a bit graphically (more to come) and we added a Drop option so you can basically get out of the menu without actually selecting anything. This will also eventually allow you to drop actual items on the ground.


The weapon customization menu now allows easier deleting of equipped attachments.


New loading screen(We would like to have no loading screens, but for now we do).


Gadgets and Weapons

We have started to remix the weapon sounds and the first one in the build is the MP5. Still lots of work in that area but it should give you a sense of where we are headed.

The wrist device was also added in for some prototype testing. The idea for this is to act as an information system to the player and his/her team. It *could* be used for displaying in game time, objective info, various maps and images. We haven’t locked down exactly what we want it to do just yet so you will be seeing some functionality tests with it over the next few months. At the moment it doesn’t do anything.


Breaching Doors

Some door breaching prototypes have been added, though they currently only work in single player. Players can shoot out locks or place and detonate breaching charges. Since this is currently a prototype the breaching charge controls are hard coded; When in a door’s interact mode (see door control text) NumPad-Zero places a breaching charge and NumPad-One will detonate it. Watch out, because the blast will cause damage if in its close vicinity! This will all be greatly enhanced in coming builds.




We have begun some optimization efforts, but still have a long way to go. Weapons, weapon attachments, characters and character gear all have proper LODs now. We are now beginning map optimization passes so you should see some small improvements in this build and more in followup builds.

Animation and Character Updates

Various weapon reload and movement animations were updated. We in the process of rebuilding our weapon collision system as well as adding a much more robust and realistic movement model. Hopefully that will be in the next build!

New player nametags on vests instead of the placeholder floating yellow text.


Coming Soon

Stand alone Dedicated Server! We are currently testing out a Windows stand alone dedicated server Tool on Steam that will be freely available to anyone that wants it. No need to purchase the game to run a server. This should be available in the next build.


If you want to see all the changes in their raw form here is a detailed changelist:


FIXED – Bad framerate in Killhouse night map
* Removed rain particle effect as the particle collision had massive slowdown
FIXED – Compile errors in Depot Landscape Material that were spitting out log errors
FIXED potential nullptrs in GBGameState caused by GBTeamInfo replication delay.
FIXED GBCharacter not setting GBPlayerState character reference on server
FIXED leaning while running/sprinting (doing either while leaning cancels lean).
FIXED laser & tac lights not going off on drop or unequip
FIXED NVG overlay not being removed if you customise operator with NVG enabled.
FIXED not being able to remove optic or top attachment from helmets without reoppening head gear screen.
FIXED hard to place pouches by disabling animation while focussed on platform.
FIXED mouse cursor staying as pouch (disabled the feature).
FIXED – Falling through ground under stairs in SmallTown map
FIXED – No collision on red wall along rear of TankerShip
FIXED WebBrowser widgets being removed on editor restart (changed WebBrowser plugin load order)
FIXED – A few doors in SmallTown map opening wrong direction
FIXED – Userplaceable targets don’t place actual target
FIXED – Character not showing wetness after being in water
* Drying time doesn’t seem to be working though. May have gotten lost when PlayerController was rewritten.
FIXED – Bad weighting on Mk48 rear iron sight. Not attached to top cover
FIXED inconsistencies in bullet projectile information (e.g. some lengths were in cm, supposed to be mm).
FIXED bug in GBBulletMovementComponent that accepted lengths in cm, instead of mm (see above).
FIXED menu game mode showing up solo game mode list
FIXED reactive targets not dropped (HACK FIX for now)
FIXED solo terrorist hunt menu not appearing on death when game is packaged
FIXED loading screen walk cycle animation crash (I hope)
FIXED log spam due to invalid index in server browser
FIXED server browser tabs not sorting
FIXED server browser basic all, adversarial & cooperative filters.
FIXED – bad lighting on doorframe in SmallTown map
FIXED – Black platform and pouches in some lighting situations (like Aircraft_Takedown interior)
FIXED – operator UI use in SoloTH menu.
FIXED – text component issue on dedicated server with BP_ReadyRoom_Roster.
FIXED – BP_WristDevice crashing dedicated server (naughty John)
FIXED – hang-up when attempting to join server
FIXED – missing UI for split second when joining server.
* updated DefaultEngine.ini slightly
FIXED – BaseCharacter text component issues
* dedicated server does not like the character trying to add or use existing text components 🙁
FIXED – references to non-existing text components in ItemMacros
FIXED – freelook reset
* not as smooth as I would hope, but its a start.
FIXED round not ending when player logs out.
* modified AGBGameMode::DiscardPawn() to kill character before unpossessing character.
* modified TeamElimination & TerroristHunt GameMode Blueprints to bind existing K2_OnLogOut event.
* modified AGBGameMode::LogOut() to add OnLogOutDelegate()
FIXED AGBRoundManager::HaveEnoughReadyPlayers() counting ready players incorrectly
* now properly adds zero’d out counts for *all* teams before counting ready humans & bots.
FIXED round not starting / not being able to enter ready triggers that were beyond ready room doors
* updated BP_ReadyRoomDoor to set its initial open/close status without the need for round to change
* removed solid blocking boss (John will add blocking volumes manually)
FIXED none reference in BP_WristDevice when attached to character without a controller.
FIXED editor crashing due to loading screen in networked PIE game
* loading screens are now disabled in editor.
FIXED BP_ReadyRoomNameTags not being destroyed when parent character is
FIXED first person view in spectator mode
FIXED TerroristHunt GameMode Blueprint.
FIXED several bad player start locations on tankership_X_X
FIXED bug in Trigger_PrepArea that would remove player from team as they were sent to the play area
FIXED bug in GBBotManager that would try to place bots on non-existent team
FIXED Blood effect and decal materials are now setup properly
FIXED GBPlayerStart::UpdateTextrender declaration not being defined as EDITOR_ONLY
FIXED falling through floor due to bad / missing player start in SentToPlayArea
* instead of spawning player a 0,0,0, it will log the error, warn the player and leave them where they are.


* Fixes to the AI perception system, so that enemies now have an activation threshold before they are considered “perceived”. Basically emulates a human response time. Values still need   tweaking. Also now the AI can properly forget their current target if they lose line of sight. TODO: Fix up the UE4 perception system to adapt this stuff so it doesn’t have to be   duplicated in the new perception component so much (should be a feature of the Perception system, so submit it as a pull request to Epic).
* Fixed terrorist attacking – Now does not reset threat (need to hook up expiry of senses to threat evaluation)
* Added new EQS *PointWithLosToEnemy* change for following threat
* Altered Terrorist BT to chase threat
* Made a few tweaks to game mode and test maps.
* Solo Terrorist Hunt Menu now has temporary setting for perception delay (larger number = slower perception)
* Added perception value scoring for sensing.
* Added BT task for resetting a vector
* Changed whizzcrack information to include who fired the shot so we can get location properly
* small fix to collision on T wall near spawn of map
* Fix to Terrorist BT, having some weird issues with nodes not being executed! erk!
* A few small tweaks to smalltown ai test map, removed debug sphere that I checked in! 🙂
* Upped sight sense distance on Terrorist Bot, minor tweaks to small town ai test map, added back debug info into perception component
* Fixed collision on terroristspawnvolume so AI does not get line of sight blocked by it
* Modified gameinstance with function for grenade handling of physics materials (returns the impact effect based on the hitresult physics material name) see M67_Frag for usage, code comes   from OnExplode event of BP_Grenade and BaseGrenade.
* Changes to AI perception handling. Now handles footsteps and muzzle flashes as well as perception scoring. Will be refactoring later. Initial check-in so we have a working base.
* Fixed a bunch of missing pragma once calls in order to help the non unity build (trying to fix build problems with ai component).
* Submitting tactical perception component befor applying some changes to UE4 class to make it simpler, just in case 🙂
* Updated door swing BP with noise values for AI perception to hear.
* Changes to AI perception:
* AI now percieves footsteps, weapon fire sounds and other audio events. Todo: door opening and grenade landing
* AI now can be flashed by a flashbang. Effect lasts for too long currently.
* All AI perceptions need values for effect, currently footsteps are heard “very strong” and need balancing versus perception threat evaluation of them
* AI line of sight check now uses enemy eye viewpoint rather than middle of collision volume
* AI additional sensing updates for whizzcrack
* AI can now check and perform reloads correctly
* AI Cover generator rework started.
* AI Spawner fixed to allow patrol command to be instigated for enemies with patrol paths
* Small town AI test map additional nav modifier volumes added to stop navmesh generating in trees and out of bounds areas.
* Fixed some log spam coming from tactical perception component.
* Some small changes to Smalltown AI test map.
* Character spawner now spawns with correct squad instruction for AI to patrol
* Door swinging has auto-open for AI now when trigger overlap
* Updates to PointWithLosToEnemy EQS query so that it actually works
* Updated Terrorist BT’s a bit
* Fixed up EQS query issue with line traces (were hitting actor for line of sight tests)
* Added navmesh link proxies to doors
* Doors now open when AI inside trigger volumes
* Changed recast properties on navmesh so that open doorways are AI navigable
* Fixed property on geometry traces for generators on PointWithLosToEnemy EQS query, now collides with floor when going up stairs
* Added CVAR’s for ai noise generation perception values
* Updated small town ai test map with some more character spawners
* Added “guard” command to characters, so they don’t actively seek out threats but are able to protect themselves when threats   are visible (more later)
* Fixed squad and guard position data to be passed by character spawner on spawn
* Updated Terrorist BT2 to handle guard command
* Updated SoloTerroristHunt and TerroristHunt game modes to randomize the fixed spawners used if less than total terrorist count
* Initial setup of Depot map for TH AI modes
* Fixed issue with TerroristBT2 having incorrect checks because of new guard value in command enum
* Updated solo terrorist hunt menu to expose AI cvars for testing
* Changed ITacticalAIInterface to not use blueprint implementable event and associated usage. Added relevent functions to GBFunctionLibrary to compensate for functionality.
* Fixed collision issue with trigger volume for Depot map by adding new preset and switching triggers to use it (OverlapOnlyVolume) along with new “Volume” object type.

* updated Trigger_Ready to flush local players pressed keys upon entry
* updated DefaultDeathOptions to reset input when HUD_Death_Overlay is hidden.
* removed stubbs from GBGameInstance relating to sessions & loading screen.
* added GameModeClassAliases to DefaultGame.ini
* short names for listed game modes & end up with path.
e.g. “Game=TH” will become “Game=/Game/Blueprints/GameMode/TerroristHunt.TerroristHunt_C”
* Added small area and blocker volumes to Ready Room exit doors
* created BP_PlayerStartGroupManager
* generic class to use for enabling/disabling player starts based on groups for different game modes.
* updated GBBasePlayerStart
* re-enabled auto-destroying a player start based on GameModeTag
* slightly updated existing Blueprint functions.
* added GetGroupDistances() Blueprint function
* Get distances of player start groups from supplied point, sorted from closest to furthest.
* updated TeamElimination GameMode Blueprint to use BP_PlayerStartGroupManager to handle player starts.
* added TerroristHunt compatible GBTeamPlayerStarts to Depot_All_Day
* added transition overlay to/from ready room & on pre-round freeze.
* hopefully makes the view teleporting from one place to another feel better.
* removed old BP_UserPlaceable_X Blueprints & references.
* FIXME – finish the move/rotatate/scale gadget for MapKit!

* created GBPlayerStart class
* replaces need for separate player start classes.
* uses Actor Tags to store GameMode tags
* includes RemovePlayerStarts() function for to quickly remove unneeded player starts (if desired)
* updated affect GameMode Blueprints
* added ActiveClassRedirects GBSoloPlayerStart & GBTeamPlayerStart to GBPlayerStart in DefaultEngine.ini
* removed GBBasePlayerStart, GBSoloPlayerStart & GBTeamPlayerStart
* updated other affected Blueprints
* added PlayerStart ShowDebug option to GBHud.
* updated several maps to add proper actor tags to player starts for TeamElimination, Deathmatch & TerroristHunt
* Changed blood decals Particle system + materials to look better
* simplified GBPlayerStart class
* removed bot/human variable
* removed bot/human check from IsValidFor()
* updated TeamElimination & TerroristHunt
* overrode ChoosePlayerStart() with Blueprint version to select any player start during ready or warmup periods.



* updated shell, footstep & other sounds
* set or updated attenuation settings
* set or updated concurrency settings
* added pitch modulation to shell sound ques
* adjusted volume of shells/footsteps
* ensured all cue were set to FX sound class instead of Master sound class.
* Moved Operator Bench over by killhouse door/stairs for better visibility
* First pass at UI for resetable targets
* Walk up to reset box to get UI
* Allows user to set number of total and friendly targets
* updated GBPlayerState
* FIXED issues with ClientInitializePlayerKits() RPC by removing need for it.
* created InitializePlayerKit(<profile name>) that is called by GBTeamInfos or player state if locally controlled.
This removes the need for the server to tell the client to initlise its profiles,
but still ensures the player state is properly initlised first.
* WalkCycle icon test for loading screen
* Flipbook material to apply to UI asset
* updated GBGameInstance to support async loading screen using DefaultMoviePlayer.
* updated GBGameInstanceBP to create & return loading screen widget
* updated loading screen
* OPFOR/Hostile Legs/Torso meshes and materials (Not in game yet)
* SkelMesh Duster/face cover mesh for use with hostile chearacter type (Not in game yet)
* Added functionality to wear baseball hat reversed (needs UI element still)
* Added bool and new Trans/ROT values in BaseHeadGear
* FIXME: Needs checkbox in UI to select to wear reversed or not (Suggest adding by Patch selection widget)
* Created LODs
* Platforms, Pouches, Headgear, Eyewear, Equipment
* Added in simple white solid material for use in some testing
* Changed TargetReset Switch to create/destroy widget as needed instead of creating at startup and set visibility
* LODs for M16
* Includes removed unsed bones based on LOD
* updated GBGameInstance
* improved handling of loading screen
* ensured loading screen is not garbage collected
* updated Screen_Loading widget to prevent crash due to garbage collection (AHH!)
* updated GBCharacter
* changed MinSafeFallDamage to 8mps
* added DeathFallSpeed to determine how fast player must be falling before death is certain (12mps)
* updated GBMovementComponent
* bUseFlatBaesForFloorChecks set to true
* PerchRadiusThreshold set to 16
* Weapon LODs
* AK74, AKS-74u, M9, G22, M14_EBR, M1014, UMP, MP5
* LOD skeleton for Mk48
* LODs made for weapon attachments
* Changed collision from BlockDynamic to BlockAll to fixed issue with AI perception
* First pass at simple binocular BP (Not usable in game yet)
* added gadget menu events & bindings
* updated GBDroppedItem to limit number of dropped items based on controller & item categories
* updated BP_DroppedCosmetic to limit life span to 60 seconds.
* updated InGameMenuManager
* made drop down buttons a separate widget
* rigged play button to be created by game mode settings widget
* implemented game mode settings widget for MenuGameMode (required rebasing GBMenuGameMode class)
* Made text on doors smaller
* Made it so TargetResetSwitch doesn’t have the overlay widget display on clients other than the one using it.
* Reset action still doesn’t work over network for some reason.
* Changed UserPlaceable items to use base classes for easier usage in the future
* Added in ShootingRange_Night
* ENGINE CHANGE – updated SceneComponent changes in attempt to get IKinema 4.11.x plugin to work.
* ENGINE CHANGE – added HACK to PrimitiveComponentPhysics in attempt to get IKinema 4.11.x plugin to work.
* created menu for John
* for widget, see UI/ExampleMenu/ExampleScreen
* for creating/showing menu, see Blueprints/BasePlayerController.
* for binding, see end of Config/DefaultInput.ini
* Created initial Inventory and item BPs for equipment items
* Binoculars
* Medkit
* BreachingCharge
* reset character capsule component collision type to Pawn.
* Added ‘Equipment’ category to Platform customization
* Cleaned up widget mess in UserPlaceableSystem_Overlay and grouped categories into tabs
* Adding in Rama’s UMG Color Picker
* updated AGBAIController::Set/GetGenericTeamID to be clearer.
* updated AGBPlayerController::SetGenericTeamID to be clearer.
* updated GBPlayerController MoveX to cast Pawn or Spectator Pawn to ADefaultPawn instead of using just GetDefaultPawn() when not using a character.
* added GetClassDefaultObject() to GBFunctionLibrary.
* updated UserPlaceableSystem related Blueprints
* created UserPlaceableInterface.
* implemented UserPlaceableInterface in ARCH, Doors, Light & Objects _Base Blueprints.
* renamed UPS_ListButton to UserPlaceableSystem_ScrollListEntry.
* updated UserPlaceableSystem_ScrollListEntry
* takes an actor class during spawn & gets text & icon from that if it implments the UserPlaceableInterface.
* calls event delegate when clicked.
* updated UserPlaceableSystem_Overlay
* greatly simplfied the creation of scroll lists.
* assigned scroll list entries to updated selected user placeable class & actor when clicked.
* rigged up tick function to trace mouse cursor & place selected user placeable, if one exists.
* added controls to place & rotate selected user placeable, including ability to create multiple copies while holding CTRL.
* added ability to pass mouse & keyboard input back to viewport while holding right mouse button (required creating an input assistant actor).
* cleaned up general layout, changed design slight (less use of canvas, more use of vertical/horizonal boxes).
* updated open & close functions to leave & return to character as required.
* New Marketplace explosion kit
* New Marketplace item for procedurally placing trash and debris
* New grenade detonation pack from the Marketplace
* renamed UserPlacableSystem to MapKit
* moved all related UserPlacableSystem assets to locations under new MapKit directory & fixed up all redirections.
* created GetClassesByInterface() in GBFunctionLibrary.
* renamed all X_Base MapKit actors to BaseX so they work with GetClassesByInterface() properly
* It is designed to ignore any class that starts with “Base”.
* updated MapKitActorInterface to add GetCategories().
* updated MapKitMenu
* changed overall layout to be more horizontal
* added primary & secondary category tabs
* added Escape button detection
* if actor is selected, clears it.
* if not, closes menu.
* Set PhysMats for metal targets to have large density so bullets would not penetrate
* Updated Frag grenade detonation effect
* Reworked TargetReset switch system based on Kris’s example
* Much cleaner
* Added required key press once player enters trigger to open UI
* Now correctly open reset UI only on client that initiates the action
* Still does not properly replicate target reset call/values in MP
* Added OnHit check to frag grenade to find PhysMat that it sits on at detonation time
* Will be used to spawn proper “hit” effect for surface the grenade is on
Added impact assets for grenade usage
* created GBSurfaceLink class
* Used to link a any physical material to any class based on user defined type.
e.g. Grenade, FootStep, Bullet
* Links can be created in editor in any directory, as long as that directory is
added to DefaultEngine.ini, [/Script/GroundBranch.GBSurfaceLinkProfiles].
* Uses singleton to hold paths & profiles based on those paths and defined types.
* Bullets impacts & foot steps Blueprints swapped via C++.
* Basic grenades swapped via Blueprint (no effects – just debug trace line stuff).
* See M67 for usage.
* removed bullet impacts, grenade impacts & footsteps references from GBGameInstance.
* added UGBSurfaceLinkProfiles::Get() call to GBGameInstance to init all profiles at runtime.
* created Test_SurfaceTypes map.
* Unhooked hacked in bounce sound generation from BP_Grenade
* Doesn’t really work correctly
* Prototype breachable door (Door_Swinging_Destruction)
* Once interact phase is initiated hit NumPad 0 key to place breaching charge and NumPad 1 to detonate
* Locks can also be shot out by shooting at the handle area
* Upon detonation/lock shot out meshes get swapped, sounds played and particle effect played (All are placeholder of course)
* Ability to set door as locked, requiring shooting out lock or breaching to open
* Added in simple camera shake to flashbang and frag grenades
* Animation updates
* Reloads + idles
* Stand sprint improved (flappy arms)
* mk48 reload
* Testing out CanvasRenderTarget2d
* Added a whiteboard to ExampleMap that has a CanvasRenderTargetmaterial on it counting numbers upward
* Text is small because there is no way to adjust size outside of the font itself
* updated GBSurfaceLink class
* renamed GBSurfaceLinkProfiles to GBSurfaceLinkManager
* replaced struct based TArrays with TMap implementation
(simple & should be faster)
* updated affected Blueprints
* updated GBFootStepImpact
* fixed nullptr when opening in editor
* switched spawning effects etc from using PostInitComponents() to BeginPlay()
* updated affected Blueprints
* updated GBBulletImpact
* removed unused values (ricochet chance etc)
* switched spawning effects etc from using PostInitComponents() to BeginPlay()
* updated affected Blueprints
* continued work on map kit editor
* drag/drop actor classes from list of actors.
* selected placed actors using left mouse (CTRL for multiple)
* deleted selected actors using DELETE
* focus on selected actors using F
* need to get hit proxies to work in UE4 non-editor viewport.
* ENGINE CHANGE – fixed particle module event send to game support
* updated shell effect particle systems to use fixed SendToGame support.
* created /WP_Effects/SurfaceLinks
* created GBParticleImpactBySurfaceType class
* linked all shell eject PS’ to GBParticleImpactBySurfaceType using BrassImpact (?) type.
* Added in Destruction prototype parts to swinging door
* Currently hard coded controls for testing
* NumPadZero places breaching charge when door is usable and NumPadOne to detonate
* Player has 1 breaching charge by default (Not an actual inventory item yet)
* 3 states for a door: Intact/Lock Shot Out/Breached
* Can shoot out lock by registering 2 shots in area of handle/lock
* Debris meshes and destruction effect for wood door
* New Grass asset pack from MarketPlace
* Work on getting BrassShell surfaceLinks setup
* Made blueprints for brass/shell impacts ( can’t use same effects as bullet hits)
* First pass on particle effects
* Added in some hit sounds
* Replaced doors in SmallTown due to me messing something up while testing door breaching
* Added in some footprint decals (not workign in game yet)
* Hostile and Team member L/R bootprints
* Parameters in material to control Opacity, Color and Roughness
* Small optimization to smoke grenades
* Added socket to Smoke grenade and setup smoke emitters to use it (was just using center of mesh)
* Added simple effect of grenade spoon flying off when thrown.
* Needs some tweaking to get it to look right
* created Test_TriggerVsParticles map
* ENGINGE CHANGE – updated particle system component & related classes
* send to game events split up, based on event type (collision, spawn etc).
* physical material now included in collision event (removes need to trace again).
* FIXED bug that caused collisions with triggers/volumes.
* FIXED bug that causes massive collision event spam if particle spawns inside volume.
* added min speed variable to collision event to prevent collision unless particle moves fast enough.
* helps prevent massive collision event spam if particle spawns moves slightly on a non-up angle & the ignore non-up option is used.
* some minor optimisations.
* updated Test_BulletPenetration map
* updated some physical material densities
* FIXME – Need to set them all at some point, talk more about special cases.
e.g. targets, non-penetratable walls, full vs empty barrels etc.
* Setting up door destruction in TankerShip map
* Only outisde doors done so far
* Door_Swinging changes
* Set debris chunk meshes to not collide with player
*  Created pieces parts for TankerShip metal door
* Added offset to door handle meshes for easier custimization
* Created parts for door destruction
* TankerShip
* Training
* New sounds for door destruction
* Wood and Metal
* Setup door breaching in TankerShip, Killhouse and SmallTown maps
* Some new weapon sounds for G22 and various weapon dryfires
* Revised breaching charge model/materials to add a bit more detail
* Cleaned up BreachingCharge related BP’s to be more efficient
* Added in frag grenade explosion sound for water (not hooked up yet)
*  Built lighting on TankerShip, Killhouse and SmallTown maps
* slight change to BaseCharacter::TraceFootstep function in attempt to fix packaged version.

* updated Example_Map to add shapes for placed character to test foot placement.
* removed delay on AI bullet whizz-crack distance warnings.
* fixed warnings about casting widget that didn’t need casting due to internal C++ update.
* first massive effort to fix bad references the hard way to fix packaging & kill log spam (Please kill me).
* Added breaching parts to OfficeDoor
* Added breaching to SmallTown doors
* updated surface link to use FAssetStringReference for associated class
* updated all affected C++ & Blueprints.
* Ran FixUpRedirects on entire Content folder
* Cleaned up some more log spam issues
* Added in breached door assets for IndustrialDoor
* updated radial menus
* removed ability to set fixed position / size entries (just 360 / number of entries now)
* added ability to set start angle (0 = top of screen, 180 = bottom etc) of first entry
* FIXED mouse cursor not returning to previous location when menu is reopened.
* lets you quickly toggle the last option you used even if you move the mouse since you last opened the menu.
* added DO NOTHING option to use item radial menu if there are no attached items to use
* Replaced a depricated node in the marketplace cable/rope BP system

* Fixed more log spam issues
* Small change to Door_Swinging
* Changed detonation impulse origin a bit back away from door on the side the charge is placed. This makes sure the debris fles into the doorway.
* Made number of breaching charges a player can place 2 (up from 1)
* Created and Industrial Door damaged parts
* Made some small adjustments to the breaching effect
* Made some parts less directional
* Made the sparks a bit smaller and have slightly less lifetime
* Cleaned up some lighting issues with a few Tanker Ship railings. Required lighting rebuild
* Scaled BreachingCharge mesh up about 15%
* Added breach items to Depot doors and rebuilt lighting

* updated shell, footstep & other sounds
* set or updated attenuation settings
* set or updated concurrency settings
* added pitch modulation to shell sound ques
* adjusted volume of shells/footsteps
* ensured all cue were set to FX sound class instead of Master sound class.
* Temporary fix for bad framerate in Killhouse night map
* Removed rain particle effect as the particle collision had massive slowdown
* Changed BreachingCharge over to a SkelMesh and added initial AnimBP for it
* Initial setup for nametags on vests
* Uses RenderTexture2d
* No more hovering yellow text… now part of vest itself
* Fixed nametag material to it lights properly
* Nameplates on Platform now adhere to the selected platform’s color
* Added in new sounds for dryfire, Mag usage and slide release
* G22 and 1911
* Added in new sounds for dryfire
* M4, M16 and M1014
* Adjusted up some low res DistanceField settings on meshes in Aircraft_Takedown map
* Added in WristDevice test
* Automatically attached to character forearm
* Simple test RenderTexture2d for screen
* WristDevice now reading in time of day from map for testing
* Exposed TimeOfDay entry to Blueprint via ui function library
* tweaked animation speed of walk cycle on loading screen
* fixed potential null in generate random appearance/loadout functions
* depreceated GBItem KitRoot variable & related functions
* created replacement functions based on GBItem Categories.
* updated affected C++ & Blueprints.
* moved basics of platform nametag handling from separate platform Blueprints to GBPlatform C++ class.
* added solid box to block off ready room doors
* stops people leaving ready room prep area trigger before the server gets the ‘enter play area’ message.
* updated BaseGameTrigger to support both local & server side enter/exit events in case I need to change Trigger_Ready.
* created BP_ReadyRoomNameTags
* updated BaseCharacter to spawn BP_ReadyRoomNameTags if in ready room.
* Changed version number in packaging settings to 1013
* ENGINE CHANGE – added fixes/hacks to support VS2015 Update 3

* updated Trigger_Ready to flush local players pressed keys upon entry
* updated DefaultDeathOptions to reset input when HUD_Death_Overlay is hidden.
* removed stubbs from GBGameInstance relating to sessions & loading screen.
* added GameModeClassAliases to DefaultGame.ini
* short names for listed game modes & end up with path.
e.g. “Game=TH” will become “Game=/Game/Blueprints/GameMode/TerroristHunt.TerroristHunt_C”
* Added small area and blocker volumes to Ready Room exit doors
* created BP_PlayerStartGroupManager
* generic class to use for enabling/disabling player starts based on groups for different game modes.
* updated GBBasePlayerStart
* re-enabled auto-destroying a player start based on GameModeTag
* slightly updated existing Blueprint functions.
* added GetGroupDistances() Blueprint function
* Get distances of player start groups from supplied point, sorted from closest to furthest.
* updated TeamElimination GameMode Blueprint to use BP_PlayerStartGroupManager to handle player starts.
* added TerroristHunt compatible GBTeamPlayerStarts to Depot_All_Day
* added transition overlay to/from ready room & on pre-round freeze.
* hopefully makes the view teleporting from one place to another feel better.
* removed old BP_UserPlaceable_X Blueprints & references.
* FIXME – finish the move/rotatate/scale gadget for MapKit!

* created GBPlayerStart class
* replaces need for separate player start classes.
* uses Actor Tags to store GameMode tags
* includes RemovePlayerStarts() function for to quickly remove unneeded player starts (if desired)
* updated affect GameMode Blueprints
* added ActiveClassRedirects GBSoloPlayerStart & GBTeamPlayerStart to GBPlayerStart in DefaultEngine.ini
* removed GBBasePlayerStart, GBSoloPlayerStart & GBTeamPlayerStart
* updated other affected Blueprints
* added PlayerStart ShowDebug option to GBHud.
* updated several maps to add proper actor tags to player starts for TeamElimination, Deathmatch & TerroristHunt
* Changed blood decals Particle system + materials to look better
* simplified GBPlayerStart class
* removed bot/human variable
* removed bot/human check from IsValidFor()
* updated TeamElimination & TerroristHunt
* overrode ChoosePlayerStart() with Blueprint version to select any player start during ready or warmup periods.

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