Pre-Order keys coming very soon

A quick note to let you know that tomorrow (03/25), we will start to send out Steam license keys for those that have supported our crowd funding with buying Pre-Orders. They will go out by email so keep an eye on your spam folders just in case. It will be mentioned a few more times, but be aware that we are not to Early Access yet and the builds are still missing some key features that will be present in the Early Access release. Think of the current state being Early Access Alpha. 🙂

Also, at some point in the next 24-48 hours we will be switching the Pre-Order process over to a new storefront provider that will allows license keys to be distributed at time of purchase (in an email) as well as hopefully provide a smoother buying experience for those that have had issues completing transactions with the current provider.

I’m sure there will be bumps along the way, but bare with us and hopefully things will go relatively smooth.

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