I lost a body part and other news.

It may have been the painkillers, but damn, this week went fast.

A week ago, I was just sitting here, talking to Jeremy and John on Skype when I got an acute pain under the lower right ribs. I continued to chat with them, making jokes about it only being pain and that these were manly tears I was shedding. This continued right up right up to the point where I was dashed off to the emergency room by my wife.

Later that day my gall bladder was out and I was in recovery.
By the next morning, I was back home, albeit with a few extra holes in me.
Isn’t modern medicine awesome?

A week later…

We got two videos out, with overall postive and constructive reponses… and yes, in case you were wondering, I was on said painkillers while recording them (woohoo). Could help explain more of the speed 🙂

Unreal Engine 4 is now public and Oculus has also announced the Rift Development Kit 2. My wife will undoubtedly love the latter, once I explain to her why its costs $460 to ship one to the land of Aus.

This puts us in an excellent position where the only thing holding back a release is us. As much as we’d like to say “here you go” and hand it over, as is, and then keep developing it with the benefit of input, we’re not going to… not quite.

We’re going to hold off just a little bit longer.

Noooo! Give us something tactical to play! Please!

We want too! Honest!
And we will, even though we lack several fundamental features:

  • a UI – its being remade/updated using HTML/CSS/Javascript.
  • crouching – new animations coming.
  • prone – more animations/proper implementation coming.
  • loadout customisation – see UI being remade above.

Once we have transferred over to the public build of UE4, we will be making sure we have certain things working, then releasing it.

Even if John needs to beat us (more) harshly, it will include:

  • a shooting range
  • a killhouse with timerun.
  • basic UI for choosing between the two.
  • the M4 with different sights.
  • the M1911.
  • direct connect multiplayer.

It will be free and it will stay that way, at least for a while.
Once we get the basic shooting & moving mechanics nailed and the overall feel is progressing well, then, and only then, will we consider asking for money.

When??? For the love of GabeN, WHEN?!

Ask me again when the stitches are out and I am no longer taking codeine.
Its the best I can do for now.
That’s it.

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