Quickie… among the trees.

Spent a good amount of time on replication this week. Original plan was to use a system that converting loadouts from a JSon formatted loadout to a replication friendly version that would then be updated and sent from server-to-clients as required. This worked fine, but was never quite as easy as I would have liked.

Before I began working with John on Ground Branch, I had been using a method that let the item on the server send itself across the network. A rather brute force method, but I liked it at the time because it didn’t require any mucking around. You just did what you needed to do with an item on the server and it made its way across the network as required.

New version does the same, but ‘nicely’. The conditions an item has to meet before it is sent across the network are much more tightly controlled, based on the player they are attached too, distance and the importance of the item in question.

eg. At a distance, only the players platform and currently equipped weapon are important enough to be sent across. Once they get closer, any long gun they may have slung over their shoulder is sent. Closer still, and holsters & pouches become relevent too.

We’re not aiming for 32 vs 32 epic battles, so bandwidth should not be an issue… though that would make for an interesting test.


Forgive the green lens – I broke the scope when I redid all the item archetypes…


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