n00b vs pro

When discussing features in Ground Branch, I often bring up points based on the idea of n00b vs pro players. Either the need to leave out or expand a specific aspect of the feature, or simply making it more open then it originally was.


Player customisation was one feature that this idea came up. In general, we expect team models/colour to be somewhat fixed, with limited customisation, based on the chosen map and/or scenario. We are hoping to allow full player customisation as a server option at some point in the future.

The following only really relates to servers that use full customisation.

A team of n00bs may go all out and sport individual looks, with baseball caps mixed in with berets, sunglasses and mohawks. The whole team looks cool, but there is little regard to overall colour or silhouette.

A team of pros would take more care with the teams overall colour and silhouette, only allowing for individual changes within reason.

The end result would be the n00b team having trouble identifying potential targets, resulting in more deaths from both enemy and friendly fire. Conversely, the pro team has a much easier time avoiding friendly fire, since the whole team has a similar silhouette, and can more easily pick out enemy roles from a distance, based on their individual looks.


In relation to reloading, a n00b may reload the same way each time – dropping a mag, empty or not, and replacing it with a fresh one. Not only do they waste potential ammo, but they make more noise and leave a indication they have or are in an area.

A pro would choose the type of reload to use based on the situation, only discarding the magazine when it is prudent to do so and they don’t have access to a second gun.


Weapon choice is another area where experience counts.

A n00b may choose their weapons based on personal preference, be it damage, rate of fire or simple aesthetics, with little or no regard to anything else.

A pro would go beyond this, taking into account the overall environment, engagement ranges, not to mention the loadout of their team mates.

The team of n00bs could end up in a CQB situation sporting a variety of designated marksman and sniper rifles. Perhaps they would run out of ammo in an extended firefight, unable to support each other since they are all sporting weapons with different calibres.

The team of pros would have a variety of weapons, suited to the situation and environment, with generally overlapping calibres. In addition, one or more members may carry ammo for another team mate that has a key role, such as the machine-gunner.


Hopefully this has given you a little bit of incite in why we are doing what we are doing and why we aren’t doing what we aren’t doing.

If you have any suggestions or questions in regards to player skills levels, n00b, pro or otherwise, please feel free to voice them on the forum.

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